Sunbird SACCO Savings Products

Fixed Deposit

This is a specialized savings option available under the Main Accounts (MOD, Mawa Langa, Young Savers, Youth Savings, Retirement). This account offers members the opportunity to earn attractive returns on their savings through fixed-term deposits.

Fixed-Term Deposits: With the Fixed Deposit Account, members save their money with Sunbird SACCO for a fixed period, with the money maturing every 3 months. This means that funds deposited into the account cannot be withdrawn until the end of the 3 months.

Attractive Interest Rates: The Fixed Deposit Account offers a competitive interest rate of 13% per year. This means that members earn 13% interest on their savings annually, providing them with a substantial return on their investment.

Minimum Savings Amount: The minimum amount required to open a Fixed Deposit Account is 10,000 Kwacha. Members can choose to deposit larger amounts according to their financial goals and objectives.

How it works:

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